Kenhardt’s timeline
- 1996: Founded
- 1997: First consultant hired
- 2001: Incorporation of Kenhardt BV
- 2002: Growth: 3 consultants
- 2003: Turnover growth of 81% in a declining market
- 2004: Preferred Assessment Supplier for Unilever
- 2005: Organisation converted into a business unit structure
- 2005: Peter Mennes becomes partner/shareholder
- 2006: Relocation to ‘Paleiskwartier’ in ’s-Hertogenbosch
- 2006: Preferred Supplier for Capgemini
- 2007: Doubling of office space
- 2007: Turnover growth of 86%
- 2008: Preferred Supplier for GEA Refrigeration
- 2009: Restructuring due to credit crisis
- 2009: Relocation to Vught
- 2010: Sharpening of the strategy and repositioning
- 2011: legal restructuring: Kenhardt International BV
- 2015: Relocation to new office in Vught, ‘De Maalderij’, a former flour mill from 1890
- 2016: Preferred supplier Capgemini for assessment, training and coaching
- 2016: Acquisition FunktieMediair
- 2017: Introduction partner/ shareholder structure
- 2017: Jos van Osta becomes partner/ shareholder
- 2018: MT1000 number 2 HR & Assessment
- 2018: Top 100 best service providers of the Netherlands